169: Antimatter Universe, Firefly #11 ‘Trash’

Today on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 8:22) A new theory claims there may be an antimatter universe extending backwards in time from the big bang, mirroring our own universe in reverse. Read more from physicsworld.com: https://physicsworld.com/a/our-universe-has-antimatter-partner-on-the-other-side-of-the-big-bang-say-physicists/ FIREFLY: (Starts at 20:14) Jayne returns to continue our journey Read more…

147: Food from Thin Air, Jesse’s Mom on Picard, Black Mirror ‘White Bear’

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 2:25) The Finnish company Solar Foods has figured out how to convert C02, water and electricity into a carbon neutral form of flour called Solein. This groundbreaking form of protein could revolutionize the food industry both on Earth and Read more…