160: Star Trek Discovery (S01E01) The Vulcan Hello

Star Trek Club embarks on a new journey with the pilot episode of Discovery, ‘The Vulcan Hello.’ We discuss the Klingon redesign, Michael’s mutiny, and how much we love Captain Georgiou. Check out our Picard season 1 wrap-up on the Space Nerds Patroncast! https://www.patreon.com/posts/36325947

158: Star Trek Picard #10: Et in Arcadia Ego Part 2

The finale of Star Trek Picard season 1 is here! Our Star Trek Club shares thoughts and feelings about how the first season wrapped up, the season as a whole, and what we want from season 2. We are excited to announce that next week we will be diving into Read more…

157: Interstellar Comet Breakup, Black Mirror ‘The Waldo Moment’ and ‘White Christmas’

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (starts at 9:52) Interstellar Comet 21/Borisov may have come to our solar system to die! Learn more in the article from sciencealert.com: https://www.sciencealert.com/interstellar-comet-2i-borisov-seems-to-have-come-here-only-to-die BLACK MIRROR: (Starts at 14:48) Our episode by episode journey through Black Mirror continues! This week we face Read more…

155: Consciousness of the Nagus Vortex

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 2:03) Andi beams in to discuss the possibility that the building blocks of matter may experience consciousness, as reported at Futurism.com: https://futurism.com/professor-claims-electrons-quarks-experience-consciousness LOST IN SPACE: (Starts at 39:38) Andi and Jesse share their mostly spoiler-free thoughts on Netflix’s Lost Read more…

154: Star Trek Picard #8: Broken Pieces

The Space Nerds Star Trek Club discusses Star Trek Picard episode 8, ‘Broken Pieces.’ We parse through the massive info dump in this episode, discussing the motivations of the Zhat Vash, a room full of holograms, Queen Seven of Nine and more. Connect with the Space Nerds Star Trek Club Read more…

153: Betelgeuse is Dusty, Firefly episode 9 ‘Ariel’

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (starts at 10:18) Jayne and Jesse recently reported on the sudden dimming of the red supergiant star Betelgeuse, and now scientists believe they can explain the phenomenon. Learn more in an article from Space.com: https://www.space.com/betelgeuse-star-dimming-just-dust.html FIREFLY: (starts at 20:55) We continue Read more…

152: New Solar Orbiter, Star Wars Club: The Mandalorian Season 1

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 2:00) A new spacecraft is heading towards the center of our solar system to study the sun closer than ever before. Dubbed the Solar Orbiter, this probe will observe the sun’s polar regions which have never been seen directly. Read more…

151: Star Trek Picard #7: Nepenthe

The Space Nerds Star Trek Club gushes over episode 7 of Star Trek Picard, ‘Nepenthe.’ We chat about Troi and Riker’s new life with the adventurous Kestra, the fate of Hugh and Elnor on the Borg cube, Aunty Raffi and the motivations of Dr. Jurati. We get sidetracked when Doug Read more…

150: NASA’s Muscular Mice, HBO’s Watchmen

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: Alexandria, Doug, Jayne and Jesse are all together for a special discussion of HBO’s Watchmen!SPACE NEWS: (starts at 1:55) NASA’s genetically engineered mice designed to teach us about living in zero gravity have returned from space! Read the original article from Futurism.com: https://futurism.com/the-byte/nasa-muscular-mice-return-earth-space Read more…