169: Antimatter Universe, Firefly #11 ‘Trash’

Today on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 8:22) A new theory claims there may be an antimatter universe extending backwards in time from the big bang, mirroring our own universe in reverse. Read more from physicsworld.com: https://physicsworld.com/a/our-universe-has-antimatter-partner-on-the-other-side-of-the-big-bang-say-physicists/ FIREFLY: (Starts at 20:14) Jayne returns to continue our journey through the Firefly ‘verse with episode 11, ‘Trash.’ We discuss Christina Hendricks’ return as Saffron, personal floating islands and Mal’s glorious butt. Jayne and Jesse Read more…

167: SpaceX Launch, Black Mirror ‘Nosedive’

Today on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 31:40) NASA astronauts are heading to space, but not in a NASA spacecraft! Elon Musk’s SpaceX is sending their first crewed mission into orbit in a test of their Crew Dragon spacecraft. Check out the original article from spacenews.com: https://spacenews.com/nasa-sets-may-27-launch-date-for-spacex-commercial-crew-test-flight/ BLACK MIRROR: (Starts at 43:20) Alexandria and Jesse discuss ‘Nosedive,’ the first episode of Black Mirror’s third season. This episode features a future overtaken by Read more…

166: Star Trek Discovery (S01E04) The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry

Star Trek Club reassembles to discuss episode 4 of Discovery’s first season, ‘The Butcher’s Knife Cares Not for the Lamb’s Cry.’ We chat about Landry’s unfortunate encounter, Lorca’s war conducting and spores, spores, spores.

165: Telescope on the Moon, Andi’s Rise of Skywalker Review, Star Wars Club

Today on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 2:01) Andi and Jesse discuss a proposed telescope that would permanently live on the dark side of the moon, positioned with an unobstructed view of the cosmos. Read the original article from livescience.com: https://www.livescience.com/nasa-telescope-far-side-of-moon.html RISE OF SKYWALKER: (Starts at 7:22) Andi finally saw Rise of Skywalker! She shares her first experience with the film, while Jesse provides a revised review after his second viewing. STAR Read more…

163: Stargazing Events, DS9 ‘Battle Lines’ and ‘The Storyteller’

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 1:36) Alexandria and Jesse discuss several recent celestial events that can be seen from Earth. DOUG SPACE NINE: (Starts at 16:27) Doug and Jesse deep dive through two episodes of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, ‘Battle Lines’ and ‘The Storyteller,’ debating Kai Winn’s fate and the nature of her prophecy, Miles O’Brien’s turn as storyteller, and some good ol’ fashioned Ferengi ingenuity. Check out Read more…

161: The Sound of Planets, Firefly #10 ‘War Stories’

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: Jesse and Jayne listen to planet sounds created by NASA, made by recording electromagnetic variations from nearby celestial bodies. We discuss how there is no sound in the vacuum of space that the human ear can hear, and wade into the science of sound and how it travels. Check out the original article (and audio recordings) from canyouactually.com: https://canyouactually.com/nasa-actually-recorded-sound-in-space-and-its-absolutely-chilling/ FIREFLY: We continue our journey through the Read more…