151: Star Trek Picard #7: Nepenthe

The Space Nerds Star Trek Club gushes over episode 7 of Star Trek Picard, ‘Nepenthe.’ We chat about Troi and Riker’s new life with the adventurous Kestra, the fate of Hugh and Elnor on the Borg cube, Aunty Raffi and the motivations of Dr. Jurati. We get sidetracked when Doug reveals how much he likes the final episode of Enterprise.

150: NASA’s Muscular Mice, HBO’s Watchmen

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: Alexandria, Doug, Jayne and Jesse are all together for a special discussion of HBO’s Watchmen!SPACE NEWS: (starts at 1:55) NASA’s genetically engineered mice designed to teach us about living in zero gravity have returned from space! Read the original article from Futurism.com: https://futurism.com/the-byte/nasa-muscular-mice-return-earth-space WATCHMEN: (Starts at 16:16) The Space Nerds crew goes gaga for Watchmen, breaking down everything we loved about HBO’s groundbreaking series.We also recorded a Patroncast Read more…

149: Star Trek Picard #6: The Impossible Box

Star Trek Club assembles to discuss episode 6 of Picard, ‘The Impossible Box’. We spend quality time with Hugh, dream big with Soji, and channel our inner Locutus. We also take a trip through the Delta Quadrant with our Voyager homework, the infamous ‘Threshold.’

147: Food from Thin Air, Jesse’s Mom on Picard, Black Mirror ‘White Bear’

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 2:25) The Finnish company Solar Foods has figured out how to convert C02, water and electricity into a carbon neutral form of flour called Solein. This groundbreaking form of protein could revolutionize the food industry both on Earth and in space. Check out the full article from BigThink.com: https://bigthink.com/technology-innovation/protein-from-air?fbclid=IwAR3qPAwWR0WoHk5lFmwPfVG3aPAukmeDb-Fr-M74S8v15UPY-lc7e6cyPiU STAR TREK PICARD: (Starts at 14:14) Jesse’s mom shares her thoughts on the first few Read more…

145: YOU Could Move to Mars, DS9 ‘The Passenger’ & ‘Move Along Home’

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 3:13) Elon Musk wants to send a million people to Mars by 2050. He plans to offer loans and jobs to anyone who wants to go, and is currently building a fleet of Starships to get us there. Alexandria, Andi and Jesse discuss whether or not they would move to Mars, and debate the merits of Musk’s grand plan. Check out the referenced article Read more…

144: Star Trek Picard #3: The End is the Beginning

Our Star Trek Club reassembles to discuss Picard episode 3, The End is the Beginning! We chat about Raffi’s backstory, quantum fingering, questionable hologram accents, and what to do if Romulans invade your chateau. Featuring Andi Alhadeff, Douglas Gale, Sarah Russell and Jesse Mercury.

143: Star Wars Underworld, Betelgeuse Dims, Arrowverse Year 5

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: STAR WARS UNDERWORLD: (Starts at 1:34) We kick things off with a quick look at the recently unearthed ‘Star Wars: Underworld’ footage from the scrapped mid-2000s live-action TV project. Jesse shares his thoughts on the test footage, and whether he’s relieved or disappointed this show was never made.SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 7:47) For the first time Jayne is bringing us the Space News! We discuss the sudden, dramatic Read more…

142: Star Trek Picard #2: Maps and Legends

Our new Star Trek Club reassembles to discuss Picard episode 2, Maps and Legends. We ponder the fate of F8, discuss Picard’s fall from Starfleet’s good graces, and wade through Romulan secret agencies before rating the episode. Featuring Andi Alhadeff, Douglas Gale, Sarah Russell and Jesse Mercury.