158: Star Trek Picard #10: Et in Arcadia Ego Part 2

The finale of Star Trek Picard season 1 is here! Our Star Trek Club shares thoughts and feelings about how the first season wrapped up, the season as a whole, and what we want from season 2. We are excited to announce that next week we will be diving into Read more…

155: Consciousness of the Nagus Vortex

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: SPACE NEWS: (Starts at 2:03) Andi beams in to discuss the possibility that the building blocks of matter may experience consciousness, as reported at Futurism.com: https://futurism.com/professor-claims-electrons-quarks-experience-consciousness LOST IN SPACE: (Starts at 39:38) Andi and Jesse share their mostly spoiler-free thoughts on Netflix’s Lost Read more…

150: NASA’s Muscular Mice, HBO’s Watchmen

This week on the Space Nerds podcast: Alexandria, Doug, Jayne and Jesse are all together for a special discussion of HBO’s Watchmen!SPACE NEWS: (starts at 1:55) NASA’s genetically engineered mice designed to teach us about living in zero gravity have returned from space! Read the original article from Futurism.com: https://futurism.com/the-byte/nasa-muscular-mice-return-earth-space Read more…

149: Star Trek Picard #6: The Impossible Box

Star Trek Club assembles to discuss episode 6 of Picard, ‘The Impossible Box’. We spend quality time with Hugh, dream big with Soji, and channel our inner Locutus. We also take a trip through the Delta Quadrant with our Voyager homework, the infamous ‘Threshold.’

144: Star Trek Picard #3: The End is the Beginning

Our Star Trek Club reassembles to discuss Picard episode 3, The End is the Beginning! We chat about Raffi’s backstory, quantum fingering, questionable hologram accents, and what to do if Romulans invade your chateau. Featuring Andi Alhadeff, Douglas Gale, Sarah Russell and Jesse Mercury.

142: Star Trek Picard #2: Maps and Legends

Our new Star Trek Club reassembles to discuss Picard episode 2, Maps and Legends. We ponder the fate of F8, discuss Picard’s fall from Starfleet’s good graces, and wade through Romulan secret agencies before rating the episode. Featuring Andi Alhadeff, Douglas Gale, Sarah Russell and Jesse Mercury.